We are seeking landlords to participate in this partnership by offering affordable housing to those in need.
Landlords gain several benefits from participating in our program:
Timely Payments: The household may be approved to receive financial assistance, including payment for the security deposit. They may also receive short-term rental payment assistance to ensure that rent is paid on time. The amount and duration of financial assistance is determined on a case-by-case basis.
Reduced Turnover: Residents work directly with case managers to develop plans for housing stability, with goals focused on employment and income supports to help the household to maintain housing stability once financial assistance is complete. Residents are also connected with community resources to help them achieve their long-term goals.
Landlord Mediation: Landlords are provided with a neutral, third-party point of contact to reach out to should any tenant issues arise. This support can help avoid costly evictions.
Save on Marketing: Landlords can list their available units for FREE on FloridaHousingSearch.org.
Risk Mitigation Fund: While our residents aren't more likely than other renters to damage property, landlords may have access to a Risk Mitigation Fund for significant damages above and beyond the security deposit, excluding normal wear and tear, during the initial lease term. The Fund may pay a claim up to $500, as long as funds are available.
Satisfaction from Helping Others: By helping house our families, you are playing an integral role not only in helping households take charge of their lives, but also in making your community a better place to live.